Saturday 11 August 2012

Procrastination and overload

I started study this year once number 2 started school and I was concerned for my own well being in how I would cope with having no kids at home and would I get bored and turn into a nagging house wife that stays home all day cooking and cleaning and not wanting anyone to breath on anything as they walk in the door at the end of the day. So I made a choice to keep my mind active and stimulated by learning so much about a topic I've had an interest in for some years, counselling.
The first term was fantastic, I loved everything I learnt and the load did not seem to be too much. I coped so well that I decided I would take on full time study for the second term of the year. Well now I am feeling like my eyes were bigger than my time. I had managed to forget at the time of making this decision that not only the study has to fit into my week, but so does my responsibilities as a mother of two and wife, but also my house does need to be cleaned occasionally, the people and pets in my home need to be fed, plus I actually need to go shopping to be able to to feed them all, plus I help run my hubbies business and to top it all off crazy me accepted the responsibility of becomeing president of the P&C at my kids school. Oh and at some time in my day I do need to get some sleep, shower and feed myself too. Ugh. What was I thinking, or more to the point why was I not thinking. Now that I have managed to completely overload my plate and I know what that actually looks like for me, I am now able to better manage how much I choose to take on (hopefuuly) and not over commit myself to many activities atbone time. Lessons well learnt from this experience as I feel like at times like an absolute reck and want to curl up into a ball and hide from the world for a while.
Though I do wonder if it's just me that is this mad or do other mothers take on way too much at times to and feel like breaking because of it? I do know that I am not the only one that procrastinates getting my assignments done. I wonder though if I do this because I have too much to think about and so then not much of anything in the end gets done. Why do we take on so much and then procrastinate getting it all done and working to our fullest potential?

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