Wednesday 7 December 2011

The First Blog Post

Well I think most first blog posts that I have come across start off with the cliche statement of not really knowing how to start off the first blog with perhaps a writers block that unfolds into a personal introduction and some idea of how a blog will unfold over time for each writer. I too could go that way, but I would like to think I could be a little more creative for if nothing other than my own entertainment and achievement of doing more than this.
I too have always wanted to write a blog. But was never really sure if I ever would end up doing it. I have discovered a great little application through the Apple app store on my iMac called 'Day One'. I purposely went looking through the app store for a diary that I could write at my computer. And lucky me, I found one.
I shared this novelty app idea with a friend recently and she had stated that she would feel like she got so much more out of writing a diary by hand. But you know what, over all the years in my life that I have written a diary on and off, the only time I ever really stayed consistent with it for a decent period of time was when I was a young teenager and had so much more time to pour my heart out over a diary. Now that I am in my thirties with a five and seven year old my time is limited beyond anything I ever imagined. I have dabbled in the odd occasion of writing in a diary but never consistent enough to feel like I was getting the most out of doing it. Writing a diary for me has always been like going and seeing my therapist, the non judgmental ear that we all need at times. To feel heard and to get 'stuff' off our chests.
The great advantage I have found with a computer written diary is that I can type so much faster than my hands can write. Therefor I can pour more of my feelings out much quicker and then get back to the tasks that consistently need attention, like my house work or preparing the next meal and getting on with life. And also that no one can accidentally stumble across it and read it.... it's comes with a handy little setting that allows a password protection on it!
After a week of writing an electronic diary I started to wonder if I had anything I could write and share about in a blog. The novelty idea of sharing more than 140 character status update for Facebook where you really just can't share enough sometimes. And it's so easy to misunderstand what is really being said in such a brief sentence. Though I don't want to use a blog as a diary. I have no desire to share a diary with the community that chooses to read it. I know as a teenager I was mortified when my Mother had read my diary. It's more about sharing all the things in life I so passionately share with family and friends. A lot of it I have learnt through reading or personal experience. I find sometimes when I do share interesting knowledge with friends, family or any other ear that may seem willing to listen that it can go in one ear and out another. So I guess if someone takes the time out of their day to read a blog, then hopefully more will be understood.
Some of my greatest passions are human behaviour, psychology, organic gardening, raising healthy, resilient, creative children that feel safe to talk and consistently being conscious in a long term relationship with my life partner. My purpose in this life is to change the cycle of the family dynamics I grew up in (I must say this has proven to be an ongoing challenge for me), create community living again, share all of what I learn with others and always be as conscious as I possibly can whilst living out this wonderful life with wonderful family and friends.
This blog will contain a lot of all of that as I learn it and hopefully achieve some of my purpose through it too. I hope you have enjoyed reading my 'First' blog post.!!

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